Why leaving po*nography habits can change your life?/ How to beat po*n addiction

It is the new method of beating po*nography habit with simple steps, you will love it after reading this and I will 100 % assure you that you will motivate to leave your po*nography addiction forever,

Isn’t it awesome?

Everyone wants that their po*nography addiction to be over.

But they cannot make ends, this is because they are not thinking as their priority, if you make your priority, then you can do it very easily.

Why should you have to read this post, I will tell you that if you wanted to get over in po*n addiction,

You should know the importance of the afterlife of po*n end. And it will motivate you to leave po*nography forever,

If you are thinking about how will benefit you, so go ahead you will know at the end of this post.

Let’s get started without getting bored.

Top 5 benefits of leaving po*nography habit.

1.Increased love for spouse, and kids, meaning Full relationships

2. Marital harmony. Greater regard and a deeper love for a spouse. Rekindled spark

3. Strong performance at work

4. Happiness. Spiritual connection. More depth of emotions

5. Self-confidence, self-love.

1. Increased love for spouse, and kids, meaning Full relationships

It should be your high-priority goal, so you can really “live” your life with those you love and not just coast through it tolerating them with periods of anger and hatred towards them because of your viewing po*nography addiction.

 I truly believe that the relationships you develop and maintain with your spouse, kids, and other family members, as well as friends, are vital to your happiness and well-being,

Why should it be the first priority, because everyone’s weakness is their family, their emotions are most connected to their housemates and their spouse.

So, when you know that after finishing this addiction, you can live with more love with your family, then your mind will want to finish it as soon as possible.

And when your love increases, happiness will come to you on her own.

You can have a wonderful life, which even you can’t imagine now.

2. Marital harmony. Greater regard and a deeper love for a spouse. Rekindled spark

I guess number two, better marriage relationship, and better regard for your wife is similar to number one but I think it better captures how living a loving life can help you respect her and not objectify her,

to not expect her to be and act like a po*n star but to love her for who she is. And yes, if you are a girl or wife take it as it is for you too for your husband or loved ones. If you are watching alone.

Let me clear you something very important:

When po*nography use becomes excessive, romantic relationships can suffer. Destin Stewart, Ph.D., and Dawn Szymanski, Ph.D., at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, surveyed female college students and found that those who perceived their boyfriends’ po*n use to be problematic experienced lower self-esteem, poorer relationship quality, and lower s*xual satisfaction (S*x Roles, 2012)

In a 2013 study, researchers at Brigham Young University and the University of Missouri surveyed heteros*xual couples who were married or living together and found that men’s use of po*n was associated with lower s*xual quality for both men and their partners.

Female use of po*n, however, was associated with improved s*xual quality for women (Journal of S*x Research, 2013).

Bridges and Patricia Morokoff, Ph.D., reported similar findings: When men used po*n, they tended to report lower levels of s*xual intimacy in their real-life relationships. When women used po*n, however, intimacy increased (Personal Relationships, 2011).

Bridges point to two possible explanations for the finding. First, she says, while men tend to view po*nography solo, women are more likely to watch it with their partners in a shared s*xual experience. “This was something that they incorporated into their lovemaking ritual,” she says.

Also, men and women typically use different types of po*n. Men are more often drawn to videos showing s*x acts absent of context. “You might not even see anybody’s face,” she says.

Women, though, tend to watch “couples po*n,” with storylines and softer angles. “When partners use po*n together, they tend to watch things where both people are more egalitarian participants in a s*xual act,” Bridges says.

Although some couples seem to benefit from po*nography, that’s not the case for everyone.

When one partner uses po*n at a high frequency — typically the men in the heteros*xual couples Bridges has studied — there can be a tendency to withdraw emotionally from the relationship.

Those men report “increased secrecy, less intimacy and also more depression,” she says.

It’s not clear, however, whether po*nography is the proverbial chicken or the egg.

Does a person turn to po*nography because he’s already in an unsatisfying relationship? Or do women pull away and lose interest in s*x when they discover their partner is spending quality time with adult film stars?

Bridges say both scenarios are probably true, based on the couples she’s interviewed. And indeed, the two scenarios tend to feed off each other.

If a couple goes through a dry spell, the man may watch more po*n to fill the void. Some women may feel threatened or confused by that response.

They often report feeling less attractive, as they could never measure up to the X-rated actresses. The result: even less s*x, even more po*n, and a relationship that continues to falter.

“It was interesting to see that teenagers, young adults who aren’t married, and other single people encountered the same benefit.

It just was not with their spouse. But they had a much easier time building and maintaining connections with those they dated or wanted to date.

 It led them to see and respect the person as he/she really is and not as an object. They were able to know with much greater certainty if the person was ‘marriage worthy because they were seeing them through ‘non-viewers eyes.

“In fact, I found it interesting that the experiences related by single people were fascinating with the ‘marriage worthy question.

The blindness caused by viewing hurt their ability to see beyond the s*xual relationship or potentially s*xual relationship to the things they had in common and their compatibility and their ability to be best friends in marriage.

Nowadays it becoming a trend to watch po*nography because they don’t know this viewing habit going to spoil them.

Some people spoil their lives so badly that they are separated, they are divorced, and then keep thinking that if they improve themselves then it would not happen today

That’s why I want you to know that you can get out of this as soon as possible.

I hope you understand my feelings and try to get out of them.

3. Strong performance at work

Let’s get on number three, strong performance at work, now you are a little surprised at how clear this benefit you,

70% of all internet po*nography traffic occurs between the hours of 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., a time when most people are likely working (Conlin 2000; Covenant Eyes 2015). It shows how people use their work timing in po*nography.

LYNCHBURG, Va., Aug. 19, 2014 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — Nearly two-thirds (63%) of men admit to viewing po*n while their bosses assume, they are busy working.

More than a third (36%) of women are also sneaking a peek at po*n while on the job. The rate for self-identified Christian men and women virtually mirrors these national averages. Those and other details about viewing po*n at work are documented in a new survey by Proven Men Ministries (www.ProvenMen.org) and conducted by Barna Group among a nationally representative sample of 1,000 U.S. adults nationwide.

The just-released survey revealed that some of the most frequent po*n viewers at the workplace consist of men between ages 31 to 49 or men making over $75,000, with three-fourths of both of those groups admitting to watching po*n at work.

Nearly one-half (46%) of women between 31 and 49 are also watching po*n at work.

Married men are also more likely to watch po*n at work than single men, with over three-fourths (77%) of married men admitting to viewing po*nography at work compared to slightly over one-half (56%) of single men.

The full survey also contains data pertaining to those watching po*n while at work according to income, education, marital status, and religion, and can be accessed at www.ProvenMen.org/2014Po*nStudy/Po*nUseAtWork.

It’s easy to get understand that if you leave this addiction, you are more likely to focus on your work,

Improved work or school performance always followed the recovery. You should start to think about the ways you were advancing in your company or even joining another company at a higher level.

“For the adolescents, the pick-up in school grades was clear: students’ grades generally but clearly improved when they started living a loving life.

I say generally because some of the studies showed student viewers were able to maintain high grades but their learning was inferior to students living a loving life.

I was interested in researching the consequences on adolescents because that’s when most people started viewing.

Now it is sure that you will have more interest in knowing because now you have an idea that how much people are using this thing in the workplace and for this reason their job not to be done. Or even not focused.

4. Happiness. Spiritual connection. More depth of emotions

Number four, increased happiness, greater spiritual connection, and greater depth of emotions, was very real in the research, both academic and religious.

I don’t think anyone can maintain a spiritual connection, however, they define it, when viewing or doing.

There are too much natural shame and guilt that result from it.

But the feelings of freedom, general happiness, spiritual connection, and ability to see and appreciate beauty when men went from viewers to living a loving life were clear in the research.

Living a loving life leads to greater happiness. Peace full life “I could spend more time on number four because it’s such a huge positive consequence in my mind and really rang true but I think you get the picture.”

And now you are able to think about the depth of love emotions.

5. Self-confidence, self-love.

I think number five, increased self-confidence, goes along with the rest.

When you can love and feel deeply, you can have self-confidence. But I think it’s also deeper than that.

When you live a loving life, you feel more in control of yourself, your time, and your life in general. The feeling of control, especially having some control over viewing, gives you confidence.

I found that self-confidence was also just a natural result of living a loving life.”

When you get away from bad habits, it automatically comes to self-confidence, you start feeling proud of yourself, that daily feeling of guilty goes too far, and it helps to keep you happy from the heart.

“I hope you see the value of clarifying consequences. Sometimes it’s a matter of learning the consequences, but most of the time we know the consequences; they’ve just become cloudy with time and with our rationalizations and need to be made clear.

Bonus tip.

#Power of repetition.

Save this post,

If you will review these top five lists of positive consequences regularly, you’ll gain the strength to live a loving life and overcome the power of the lustful life that viewing produces.

You’re probably wondering, especially now that the consequences are so clear in your mind, why you need to review them regularly.

Because our minds like to focus on the immediate consequences and forget about the long-term consequences.

If we don’t review them regularly, they become cloudy again and drift further from our minds. When this happens, we over-emphasize the immediate gratification, start viewing again and then become subject to the negative consequences.

“In terms of our brain, if we don’t interrupt the stimulus/response of the reptilian brain by bringing the logical thinking brain to the forefront with clear and real consequences our brain reverts back to the old wiring of just responding to the stimulus or trigger by focusing on satisfying it by watching and doing.

When you repeat them regularly in writing and in speaking, they move to the forefront and you reflect them in your actions naturally and with greater ease.

When you don’t review and repeat them for a while, they become cloudy, seeking to hang out in those vague recesses of your mind again.

Then, in moments of challenge, they do not readily come forth to aid you.

Being in business and especially in a finance area, you probably hear at work that ‘defining the problem is 50% of the solution.’

 Defining and clarifying the consequences may be 50% of the solution to overcoming your po*nography addiction. “To gain greater power over po*nography, you’ll need the other 50%.

When you review your consequences daily, you’ll benefit much more from the positive ones–the more clear, positive, and emotion-filled, the better.

Clouds can come back if you don’t review the positive consequences regularly.

“To keep the clouds away and to continue to start forming the new neural pathway, your homework is to do repetition.

What have you got to learn from this, write all of them on paper and try, and yes, make sure you are doing this every day.


1. Increased love for spouse, and kids, meaning Full relationships

I truly believe that the relationships you develop and maintain with your spouse, kids, and other family members, as well as friends, are vital to your happiness and well-being,

2. Marital harmony. Greater regard and a deeper love for a spouse. Rekindled spark

better marriage relationship and better regard for your wife is similar to number one but I think it better captures how living a loving life can help you respect her and not objectify her,

It was interesting to see that teenagers, young adults who aren’t married, and other single people encountered the same benefit.

3. Strong performance at work

The full survey also contains data about those watching po*n while at work according to income, education, marital status, and religion, and can be accessed at www.ProvenMen.org/2014Po*nStudy/Po*nUseAtWork.

It’s easy to get understand that if you leave this addiction, you are more likely to focus on your work

4. Happiness. Spiritual connection. More depth of emotions

I don’t think anyone can maintain a spiritual connection, however, they define it, when viewing or doing.

There are too much natural shame and guilt that result from it.

5. Self-confidence, self-love.

When you live a loving life, you feel more in control of yourself, your time, and your life in general. The feeling of control, especially having some control over viewing, gives you confidence.

I found that self-confidence was also just a natural result of living a loving life.”

Thank you! For your great time.

Source: power over po*nography book

And for research and statistics, I have already hyperlinked them.

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