Show your work: Book Summary

Why do you have to read Show Your work book summary?


You’ve seen many influencers who aren’t particularly talented but still have fame, and vice versa, you’ve seen talented people who aren’t famous. This book is all about how to become famous, how to share things people like, and how to be more creative.


You will learn useful advice on how to create a powerful online presence, share your creative process, and take advantage of chances. You may improve your chances of being recognized and establishing a reputation for yourself in your profession by following the advice given in this book.

Want to know how?

Let’s get started.

I have thoughtfully covered every chapter’s lesson.

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So, stay tuned till the end.

Favorite quote:

“Make stuff you love and talk about stuff you love and you’ll attract people who love that kind of stuff. It’s that simple.”

Chapter 1: You Don’t Have to Be a Genius.

Everyone who is successful today wasn’t necessarily born a genius; they worked hard to become successful. So if you think you have to be a genius to start, you’re just procrastinating. Just start working. Be curious.

The more curious you are, the less scared you’ll be of failure and rejection. Instead of aiming to be a genius, aim to be a curious person.

Do your research to see what others are missing and fill that gap. The more you research, the better you’ll understand the gap. Be a learner. Always learn from others who share your interests. That’s how you’ll discover what others are putting out.

Chapter 2: Think Process, Not Product.

The best way to connect with your audience is by showing them your process. People are more interested in how you’ve done things rather than just what you’re doing. So, document your life and journal about your thoughts.

Share these insights with your audience. For example, if you’re sharing a product with your audience, the easiest way to do it is by sharing your process. Tell them what you’re doing and how you’re doing it. This creates curiosity and engages them more effectively.

Chapter 3: Share Something Small Everyday.

Don’t aim to share big things, just share something small every day. In the online world, everything is public, so make sure what you share is something you want feedback on. Show up consistently every day. If you find something interesting, chances are others will too, so share it.

The benefit of sharing every day is that people will remember you because you’re regularly appearing in their feed. Even if you think there’s nothing to share, talk about what you like about other people or who inspires you and why.

In the beginning, you might not see immediate success, but if you keep at it every day, you’ll definitely learn something. One post might not seem like much, but 1000 posts are significant. If you share something helpful to others, whether it’s your work or someone else’s, always give credit. This builds your credibility.

Let people know about your interests, hobbies, and thoughts. There’s always an audience who will relate to your thinking process, so be honest and authentic.

Chapter 4: Open Up Your Cabinet of Curiosities.

Since everyone has different tastes, sometimes what we like might not be to everyone else’s satisfaction. If you think your work is good, don’t be afraid to share it with the world; in the online community, honesty counts.

Write and read what you enjoy to fill your mind with ideas that appeal to you.

Chapter 5: Tell Good Stories.

If you can tell good stories, you have a chance to make a place in your audience’s heart. Don’t aim to be overly professional; instead, focus on being clear and simple. Use language that anyone can understand, regardless of age.

When sharing your story, maintain your self-respect and honor the dignity of others. This is important for building meaningful connections with your audience while also respecting yourself.

Chapter 6: Teach What You Know.

Maybe you’re good at editing, so you can share tutorials. If you like reading, you can share reviews and explain why you enjoyed certain books. Recommend helpful things and teach only what people want to learn. Keep it simple and be prepared for criticism.

Not everyone will appreciate you, and that’s okay. Every influencer faces both positive and negative responses. Listen to your audience’s suggestions to build a connection.

Don’t worry about sharing your secrets; it actually earns you respect because your audience sees you as knowledgeable. Remember, if you want attention, first give it, and if you want to be listened to, first listen.

Chapter 7: Don’t Turn Into Human Spam.

The author tells us about people who claim they love to write but don’t read. In the author’s words, they are human spam.

If you like to write, do appreciate others’ work by reading it.

Even if you think you’re famous and don’t need to interact with others, you might still become human spam, do not be so busy with your own work.

The great influencers don’t compare; they collaborate. To collaborate, you have to appreciate others’ work and read it. The author suggests meeting your online friends; it’s better in real life. Maybe you’ll become lifelong connections.

Chapter 8: Learn to Take a Punch.

It’s our human nature that if we get tons of positive comments, we feel like we’re in the 7th sky. But if we get negative ones, we lose all hope. However, the author explains that in both matters, we should just breathe and relax.

We shouldn’t show them our sensitive part. If you don’t like negative comments, just ignore them or delete them. Focus on positive people and positive comments. Don’t let bad comments bring you down.

There’s a reason why the block button exists; just block people you don’t like. It’s human nature to feel jealous if we see someone doing better than us, but if you want to stand out, you don’t have to follow the crowd. Be happy for others’ success; that’s how others will be happy for you too.

Chapter 9: Sell Out.

The best way to support our favorite artists is by buying their work. Even if you think they’ve already found success, don’t stop supporting them; celebrate their achievements with them. If you want to be successful, don’t feel ashamed to ask for help.

You can also ask for donations. The best way to build an audience is to create an email list; this list can become your lifelong audience. If you become successful, don’t forget to support creators who are struggling.

Chapter 10: Stick Around.

Whatever projects you have to do, make a list of them and stick to it. Having a to-do list helps you know what you’re going to do, allowing your mind to follow the path. If sometimes your list and your project plan don’t work out, be ready to change them.

Don’t feel stressed about changing plans; sometimes our plans don’t work out as we wish.

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