Quick summary: The Art and Business of Online Writing.

The Art and Business of Online Writing Book summary in 3 sentences.

Writing online gives you a voice: Your writing style today won’t be the same tomorrow if you begin to pay attention to data.

“The Broader You Are, the More Confusing You Are” is the converse rule of “Specificity is the Secret.”

You will feel anxious when you write and post something online for the first time.

The five key takeaways from The Art and Business of Online Writing.

In the online world, every creator, whether they write, make podcasts, videos, or take photos, is vying for attention. As a writer, you’re not just up against other writers; you’re also competing with cat videos, viral memes, and all sorts of content people can enjoy online throughout the day.

In our minds, information is arranged into categories. Understanding your category can help you understand where readers “fit” you into their stories.

Doing what would be seen as “unexpected” in your selected category is the key to developing a unique writing style.

How long have you been producing content? “Every day for three years” conveys a totally different message than “I started last week.”

Deciding to begin writing online is one thing.
Another thing totally is not giving up.

For the chapter summary, you can click here.

Top 10 lessons from The Art and Business of Online Writing book.

Platforms for online writing will always change, but the guidelines will essentially remain the same.

Reading the works of others does not make you a better writer.
Writing often is the key to being a writer.

You will acquire more information, improve your skills, and pick up new information more quickly the more you write.

Not often the most talented authors go on to become successful writers.
The most consistent writers grow to become successful writers.

It’s best if you can differentiate yourself from the crowd in as many ways as possible.

Writing styles that move rapidly and give the reader as much respect as possible are the ones that thrive in the modern world.

Online self-promotion follows the opposites principle.
People will listen to you less the more you advertise yourself.
People listen to you more when you don’t advertise yourself.

Repetition serves as a means of reinforcing your identity, knowledge, and life experiences that have shaped your perspective, writing style, and unique point of view.
The secret to making people remember “you” is repetition.

99% of your best work should be freely shared.
Take the long view. Become the writer in your chosen category with the highest readership and value. Getting readers to tag you on Twitter with the comment, “I seriously can’t believe all this amazing content is free,” should be your aim.

You can basically sell any skill you have that produces a desired outcome to other people as a service.

Action steps from The Art and Business of Online Writing.

Recall that the key lies in specificity. A reader is more likely to think they are reading from the appropriate writer at the proper place right away if you are clear in what you say.

Since credibility is a subjective concept, anyone can climb the ladder.
You should begin utilizing Earned Credibility signals as soon as you have any number of them. You should include a link in your bio that says, “Read my most-popular article with more than 10,000 views,” if one of your articles has 10,000 views.

Don’t bother writing for an online publication if your main objective is to write about the topics you want to write about.

Your initial objective while writing on a social media platform is to “win the game.” Playing the game will give you feedback, which you must take in order to adjust your tactics and go up the ladder, whatever that may mean to you. This is the only way to beat the game.

You should focus more of your first six months of online writing on “discovering” yourself rather than “establishing” yourself.

To outperform even the most well-known and accomplished writers in a certain field, simply emulate their actions on a larger and more regular basis.
It is your responsibility to publish new content seven days a week if they do.
You ought to write stories that are at least 3,000 words if they do.

But if you can’t maintain consistency for half a year, if you can’t write consistently despite your best efforts, then here a  bad news for you:
You are not a writer.

“Being a writer” isn’t really your goal if writing is something you genuinely want to do for a living or a career. Your objective is to write (ACTION) because it is only by writing that you will achieve the status of “writer.”

Creating a list of other writers in the genre you have selected is the first step.
Go for other well-known writers who write about life lessons if you are a writer of that genre.

You should ask yourself, “Is there a way I can be more specific? Am I attempting to fit too much information into one post?

Write an article about what not to do rather than what to do. Speak about the things that most people fail to learn and never learn, rather than the things that people should learn.

Your responsibility as a contributing writer is to increase the publication’s page views. As compensation, you are able to use the publication’s name to support your own perception of credibility.

You need to develop into more than just a writer these days if you want to be a successful professional writer.
Additionally, you must be an entrepreneur.
These days, successful writers who earn a living are more than just writers. They are personalities. These are solo enterprises. They take on additional responsibilities because it gives them greater financial ownership and creative control over their work. They are the publisher, creative director, distributor, and writer all rolled into one.

Dream come true is irrelevant to writing.
It relates to discipline.
It is related to self-belief.
It is related to understanding the mastery of the way.

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