Short summary: Steal like an artist.

Steal like an artist Book summary in 3 sentences.

You need to decide who to copy first. The second step is to decide what to copy.

Being unknown releases you from pressure. You are free to act any way you like.

You learn when you let people into your process and are open to receiving feedback.

The five key takeaways from Steal Like an Artist.

According to author Wilson Mizner, copying an idea from one author is plagiarism; however, copying an idea from multiple authors is research.

You must figure out how to integrate your body into your work.  bodies and brains can communicate with each other just as much, meaning that nerves are not a one-way communication system.

People appreciate it when you reveal your secrets, and if you do it wisely, they may even compensate you by purchasing your products.

Food has to be tasty. A place that feeds you creatively, socially, spiritually, and literally is what you need to find.

The world appears new when we travel, and when the world appears new, our brains have to work harder.

Top 10 lessons from Steal Like an Artist book.

Take actions just for enjoyment. There’s nothing to keep you from improving when you’re unknown.

No matter what, do the work every day. No days off or sick days. Keep going.

The things we choose to leave out are just as important to creativity as the things we choose to include.

Originality often comes from combining existing ideas in new ways.

Instead of feeling pressured to be completely original, we can find freedom in embracing the ideas and influences that inspire us.

Be a selective collector of ideas. Surrounding yourself with quality ideas enhances your creative output.

Just as your income is influenced by the incomes of your closest friends, your creativity is influenced by the ideas you’re exposed to.

Keep track of things you’ve “swiped” from others, whether it’s ideas, quotes, or images.

Understand that “impostor syndrome” is common, where people doubt their accomplishments and feel like they’re just pretending to know what they’re doing.

The key is to show up and do the work every day, regardless of uncertainty or fear of inadequacy.

Action steps from Steal like an artist.

Read something every day. Visit the library. Being surrounded by books has a certain enchantment.

This is the manifesto: Create the art you want to see, launch the company you want to be in charge of, play the music you want to hear, write the books you want to read, design the products you want to use—do the work you want to see completed.

Post a blog of work that you think is excellent and include a link to the author’s website. Create something, then give it to your hero. Respond to their questions, help them with a problem, or enhance their work so that it can be shared publicly.

Actively seek out and collect good ideas to enrich your creative process and output.

Always carry a notebook and pen. Get into the habit of jotting down thoughts, observations, and favorite passages from books.

Maintain a digital or analog file to store inspiration for future use in your work.

Start by pretending to be the person you aspire to be until you become that person.Dress and act in a way that reflects the job or lifestyle you desire, not just your current situation.

Identify your heroes: Start by recognizing the people who inspire you, whether they are writers, musicians, artists, or any other role models you admire.

 Study their work closely and understand what makes them special to you.

Engage your hands: Incorporate physical touch into your creative process by using your hands to draw, write, or sculpt. This tactile approach can stimulate your senses and deepen your connection to your work, enhancing your creativity and productivity.

Bring analog tools into your creative process: Rediscover the joy of making by using physical tools like newspapers, markers, and paper. Engage your senses—feel the newsprint, hear the marker squeak, and see the words transform. This hands-on approach can spark creativity and turn work into play.

Allow your passions to mingle: Instead of limiting yourself to just one interest, let them interact and influence each other. Spending time with various interests allows for new connections to form and enriches your overall experience.

Don’t discard any part of yourself: Every aspect of who you are contributes to your creativity and identity. Don’t worry about having a grand plan or a unified vision for your work. What matters is that you create from your heart, and over time, it will all come together in a meaningful way.

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