book summary: TO-DO LIST FORMULA


Why do you have to read TO-DO LIST FORMULA



Hi there! Your to-do list has ever caused you stress.

This book summary is beneficial! It provides you with an easy-to-use task management system so you can feel in charge and concentrate on what matters. Jump in to relieve tension and accomplish more!


1. Learn different task management systems and create effective to-do lists.

2. Reduce stress and improve productivity with actionable strategies.

Want to know how?

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Favorite quote:

“Your task list isn’t a tool for getting everything done. Rather, it’s a tool that will ensure you get the right things done. It’s important to understand the difference.”

What Are Your To-Do Lists Supposed To Accomplish?

  1. Gain control over your workday.
  2. Meet your deadlines effectively.
  3. Ensure you’re focusing on the right tasks at the right time with your to-do list.
  4. Avoid wasting time dealing with unexpected issues.
  5. Increase productivity by completing more tasks efficiently with a well-organized to-do list.
  6. Experience reduced stress levels due to better task management.
  7. Improve concentration with the help of a well-crafted to-do list.
  8. Eliminate feelings of guilt and frustration when projects aren’t completed on time.

The Productivity Paradox: How Your To-Do Lists Are Hampering Your Success

Here’s what the author is saying:

– About 41% of the things we plan to do never get done.

– Half of the things we do finish are completed within a day.

– Around one-fifth of completed tasks take about an hour to finish.

– Surprisingly, even 10% of completed tasks are done in just a minute!

Part 1 Why You’re Not Finishing Your List Of To-Do Items

Reason #1: You Misunderstand The Goal Of To-Do Lists

Certainly! Here’s a paraphrased version of the content:

According to the author, many people misunderstand the purpose of a to-do list. They mistakenly believe it’s a tool to complete every task they consider important.

However, the author suggests that a well-designed to-do list serves to help individuals concentrate on vital tasks and avoid being distracted by less significant ones.

Furthermore, the author emphasizes that it’s unrealistic to expect to accomplish everything on a to-do list. Instead, the to-do list functions as a tool to ensure the completion of necessary tasks.

Reason #2: You Neglect To Assign Deadlines

According to the author, deadlines work against procrastination. They push us to get things done by motivating us to take action and finish tasks on time.

Think about Parkinson’s Law: “Work expands to fit the time you have.” If you don’t set deadlines for your tasks, they’ll likely stay on your to-do list longer than you expect.

Reason #3: Your Lists Are Too Long

They are distracting, to start.

Secondly, they lack reality.

Thirdly, they’re depressing.

Fourthly, they promote putting things off. You can condition your mind to accept failure by consistently not finishing your to-do list.

Reason #4: Your Lists Have Too Much Variability

This is known as the “Paradox of Choice,” according to psychologist Barry Schwartz. We become less able to choose between options the more we have, which increases our anxiety levels.

Reason #5: You Give Yourself Too Many Options

An excessive number of options on to-do lists worsen this issue. Regarding what to work on, they make you make needless decisions.

Reason #6: You Neglect To Add Context For Each Task

How do you know what to work on if you don’t know how long it will take, how important it is, or how it fits your goals? It’s hard to decide when you make a list without any context. Instead of being a helpful list of tasks, it becomes a growing list of things you haven’t finished.

Reason #7: Your Tasks Are Defined Too Broadly

Many don’t have a clear start or finish. Consequently, success cannot be accurately measured.

Think about a college student who needs to study for a test. “Study for the exam” is an unclear to-do item. It would be more beneficial to say, “Complete practice problems on pages 171–175.” This would offer students a specific task to do.

Reason #8: Your Tasks Are Not Attached To Specific Goals

According to the author, every action we take has a reason behind it. For example, we change the oil in our car to keep its engine running smoothly. We’re more inclined to take action when we feel confident about the outcome.

How Negative Emotions Impair Your Productivity

The accumulation of stress hormones such as cortisol affects our ability to think clearly and make rational decisions.

Neuroscientists have discovered that this situation can lead to brain damage over time, reducing our ability to make choices effectively.

When experiencing negative emotions like guilt, anger, and fear, it can be extremely challenging to concentrate and finish tasks.

Part 2: 10 Most Popular To-Do List Systems

#1 – The Massive, All-Inclusive List

This method isn’t really elegant. In short, it’s a brain dump. You create a single list with all the tasks you can think of.

#2 – The “Task + Starting Date + Due Date” List

The reason deadlines are significant is because they force us to act. They also assist us in dividing up our limited time between clashing tasks and projects.

#3 – The To-Do List Twosome: Master Task List + Daily Task List

Master list: Every task you can think of is continuously compiled into your master list. This is the place where you list every task, regardless of its importance, due date, time needed to finish, or related project.

The daily list: This is the list that you work from during the day, as its name suggests. It’s the one you carry around with you and consult from time to time to assess your development. Its scope is restricted to the chores you want to finish each day.

#4 – The “3+2” Strategy

Every day, choose five tasks to work on, preferably the night before. Make sure the bigger tasks take one to two hours, while the smaller ones take no more than thirty minutes.

#5 – The 1-3-5 Rule

Here, you select one large task, three medium-sized tasks, and five little tasks to finish during the day.

#6 – The Project-Based System

This system involves organizing to-do items by project, creating separate lists for each project’s tasks, such as remodeling a kitchen or buying a new car.

#7 – The 3-MIT Approach

MIT is an acronym. The meaning of it is “most important task.” On your list of things to do, it is the most important task. There is only one task you have to finish in a given day.

#8 – The Kanban Method

Make your board into three columns. Title the column on the left “To Do.” Name the column in the middle “Doing.” Add “Done” in the right column title.

There are a few significant advantages to this to-do item management system over alternative approaches.

Advantages include visual representation of tasks, tracking progress, association with larger projects, and priority levels with colored Post-It notes. This facilitates the process of identifying high-value items that require your quick attention.

#9 – The Matrix System

The matrix system, also known as the “Eisenhower Box,” categorizes tasks into four quadrants based on importance and urgency.

Quadrants: Important – Urgent,

Important – Not Urgent,

Not Important – Urgent,

Not Important – Not Urgent.

Tasks in Quadrant I need immediate attention, Quadrant II tasks should be scheduled, Quadrant III tasks can be delegated, and Quadrant IV tasks can be abandoned.

#10 – Getting Things Done (GTD)

David Allen’s GTD classifies tasks by priority and context, then arranges them on a master list.

With the help of weekly reviews and lists, it turns undefined thoughts into doable tasks.

Tasks are divided into “next actions” and “someday/maybe” lists using GTD, which provides task management flexibility.

GTD separates tasks into “next actions” and “someday/maybe” lists, offering flexibility in task management.

Part 3: How To Create The Perfect To-Do List

Step 1: Isolate Current Tasks From Future Tasks

The “current task” list, which consists of tasks due by the end of the day, directs daily focus.

To reduce overwhelm, the “future task” list is consulted at the end of the day to plan the next one.

Step 2: Define Tasks By Desired Outcomes

Giving each item on your daily to-do list a “why” is the easiest way to cross it off.

A reason that is on paper is more substantial than one that is only a thought.

Step 3: Break Projects Down To Individual Tasks

Divide projects into smaller, more manageable chunks for efficient work management. This method ensures completion without feeling overburdened by improving focus, adaptability, and time management.

Step 4: Assign A Deadline To Each Task

Setting and meeting deadlines helps us stay focused, organised, and perform better by motivating us to act quickly and efficiently.

Step 5: Limit The Number Of Current Tasks To Seven

To avoid overwhelm and ensure completion, keep your daily to-do list short—ideally, no more than seven items that take at least 15 minutes apiece. To prevent overloading the list, save small tasks for a different “batch list”.

Step 6: Organize Tasks By Project, Type, Or Location

Sort things on your master to-do list according to project, category, and location, keeping separate lists for each, to avoid being overwhelmed.

Make lists for things like book writing, different activity types (creative, analytical, mindless work), and locations (office, home, on the road).

Step 7: Prune Your List Of Unnecessary Tasks

Pruning your master to-do list regularly—removing wishes, unclear tasks, unimportant items, and resolutions—keeps you focused on the important things.

It also makes you more efficient because the tasks on your list are in line with your top priorities and you don’t waste time on things that aren’t necessary.

Step 8: Estimate The Amount Of Time Each Task Will Take To Complete

Knowing how long each task will take helps you make to-do lists that make sense. Don’t guess, be realistic about time, and don’t give yourself too much time—it boosts productivity and gives you more free time.

Step 9: Lead Each Task With An Active Verb

Especially with to-do lists, words matter. Specific verbs improve task clarity and actionability. It increases drive, lessens procrastination, and facilitates getting more done in less time.

For example Laundry: Start a load of laundry

Sandra’s birthday cake: Buy a cake for Sandra’s birthday

Accounts receivable report: Finish the accounts receivable report

Car tires: Check the pressure in my car’s tires

Breakfast with parents: Call parents to plan breakfast date

Step 10: Note Which Tasks Require Input From Others

Write brief notes describing the required input, its format, and the expected completion date next to each item to manage activities that require input from others. This guarantees responsibility, encourages rapid follow-ups, and avoids delays in finishing activities that rely on outside acts.

Part 4: How To Maintain A Well-Oiled To-Do List System

Tip #1: Keep A “Tiny Task” Batch List

A batch list is meant to help you keep all of your little tasks together in one location. Little jobs are those that can be finished in less than ten minutes.

Tip #2: Remain Vigilant Against Feeling Overwhelmed

To stay on top of things and prevent stress, keep an eye on your workload, be careful when taking on too much, and utilize well-organized lists. Managing overwhelm is essential if you want to remain motivated and complete tasks.

Tip #3: Define Your To-Do Lists By Context

You may make better decisions by including information about tasks, such as which project they are for, what kind of work they involve, and where they need to be completed. You may organize your work more efficiently and accomplish more by creating separate lists according to these specifics.

Tip #4: Conduct Weekly Reviews

Weekly reviews are essential to keeping up a productive to-do list. They help in work prioritization, progress tracking, and organizational maintenance. Ignoring these reviews might cause stress and cause deadlines to be missed.

Tip #5: Update Your List Of Goals

Your goals determine how you use your time and hold you accountable for your actions. By setting specific goals, writing them down, and reviewing them monthly, you can track your progress and stay focused on what’s important.

Tip #6: Avoid Getting Bogged Down In Methodology

Experimenting with various time management systems is important for finding what works, but becoming overly fixated on methodologies can hinder productivity.

Tip #7: Build And Follow A System That Works For YOU

There isn’t a single to-do list system that works for everyone; what works for one person might not work for you. The idea is to design a system that works for you and facilitates effective task completion, even if it differs from others.

Tip #8: Be Consistent

Skipping a day or two can start a chain reaction. Once you skip one day, it’s easier to skip more days after that.

What To Do If You Fall Off The Wagon

Keeping up with your to-do list every day is hard. When we slip, it’s tempting to give up, but it’s important to forgive ourselves and try again. Identify why you stumbled, fix it, and keep going to make your system work.

Part 5: Offline vs. Online: Where Should You Create Your To-Do Lists?

The Case For Pen And Paper

Using pen and paper for your to-do lists may not seem fancy, but it’s highly effective. Firstly, writing tasks down helps us remember and act on them better than typing.

The Case For Keeping Your To-Do Lists Online

– Digital task management applications make it simple to organize tasks based on context, which makes maintaining several lists more efficient.

– They improve work visualization and productivity with features like calendar integration, multiple project structures, and alarms.

How To Incorporate Your Calendar Into Your To-Do Lists

Calendars and to-do lists each have benefits, but the best way to maximize productivity is to use them in combination.

Your availability is defined by your calendar, therefore aligning it with your to-do list can help you set reasonable goals and efficiently manage your time.

What Is A “Done List” (And Should You Keep One)?

A “done list” intends to fix this issue. It keeps track of everything you do during the day.

How To Create A “Done List”

To begin with, make a list of all the things you finish during the day.

Second, once you’ve formally declared the day over, go over your completed list.

Third, review yesterday’s completed list the next morning before starting the to-do list for the new day.

Final Thoughts On Creating Effective To-Do Lists

To be productive, keep in mind that being busy is not the goal. It’s about completing the necessary tasks by your goals for both the short and long term.

The oil that keeps the engine going is consistency.

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