Short summary: 18 MINUTES Find Your Focus, Master Distraction.

18 MINUTES Find Your Focus, Master Distraction, and Get the Right Things Done.

18 MINUTES Find Your Focus, Master Distraction Book summary in 3 sentences. When we rest, we emerge stronger. It is more likely that you will be proven right if you appear to be mistaken. You have to keep trying, fail, tear up, and laugh until eventually they stop laughing and applaud. The five key takeaways from … Read more

Short summary of Why men love bitches. (2024)

why men love bitches

Why men love bitches Book summary in 3 sentences. Above everything, try your hardest to keep your life in focus. When he isn’t showing affection, don’t show it. Don’t try harder if he isn’t responding to you. “Men appreciate a natural woman.” Hair coloring or makeup are unrelated to this. The five key takeaways from … Read more
