Factfulness: book summary

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Ten reasons we’re wrong about the world, and why things are better than you think.


In this book, the author describes how many negative thoughts we have and how they prevent us from experiencing happiness.

Because we tend to think negatively about everything, the author claims that it is crucial to know certain facts in order to be happy. You will learn something new about these facts in each chapter.

While conversing with the locals, he learned that people have very different opinions about happiness and frequently have the wrong ideas.

As a result, he decided to write a book to teach others how to be happy. And some facts on happiness.

Want to know how?

Favorite quote:

“There’s no room for facts when our minds are occupied by fear.”

Let’s get started.

CHAPTER ONE: The Gap Instinct

In this chapter, the author defines the term “gap instinct,” which refers to the act of comparing oneself or another person to another.

Gap instinct, for instance, refers to the comparison between vegetable sellers and businesspeople, but we often forget that they both share the trait of being human beings.

50% of the world’s population works exclusively for other people and never even considers themselves, that’s why they stay in the same position so we should never compare.

and society prevents the 50% of people who think about themselves from doing whatever they want to do in their minds by advising negative things.

We are unable to grow because we constantly keep thinking incorrectly.

You must have noticed that some people live in a small town but they achieve massive success because they do not compare themselves to anyone else, they progress even after living in such a small space.

That’s why always love yourselves We should never compare ourselves to anyone if we want to be happy, move forward, and demonstrate something.

Never compare yourselves to others.

CHAPTER TWO: The Negativity Instinct

The author explains to us in this chapter how our brains are constructed and what it values most.

Similar to how our brain prioritizes negative and simple stimuli while ignoring positive and challenging stimuli.

For instance, if you put mobile in a child’s hands, they will figure out how to use it on their own.

and they’ll start attracting badly more, but if you give them the book, they’ll get bored because it seems difficult to them and looks unattractive.

It is not difficult to watch movies and play games on a mobile device.

However, reading a book requires effort, so they won’t read a book.

If they had to choose between reading a book or playing mobile device, they would probably choose the mobile device.

Because of the way our brains are wired, we are easily drawn to negative things but not to positive ones.

The author argues that we should focus more on the positive aspects of life rather than the negative ones.

Because negative work gives you pleasure and positive work gives you happiness.

Like if you have to go to the gym in the morning, but you’d rather sleep by turning off your alarm because you’ll enjoy the pleasure more then.

However, if you wake up to the same alarm and choose to go to the gym rather than sleep, you will be happy all day long because happiness is a long-lasting emotion.

However, if you wake up from sleep and started feeling that you should not have done this and feel guilty. Because pleasure lasts for a short period of time.

Because of this, we must strive for happiness and keep it our only focus.

We should never go to a place that temporarily brings us joy and makes us feel good, but over time, it causes us pain. For example, you wish you had gotten up earlier to go to the gym. Rather than taking action.

but if you get up early and go to work, you will feel better all day.

And that’ll continue for a very long time.

Happiness lasts long and pleasures last short.

CHAPTER THREE: The Straight-Line Instinct

In this chapter, the author explains that we often think before acting and believe that we are in control of everything.

Working hard will lead to success, but this is false; you must put in the effort without regard to the results.

You will achieve success quickly if you can work diligently and completely every day.

However, we must always put our efforts first rather than worrying about what will happen next.

Because what happens next is not in our control, what is in our control is how hard we can work.

For example, if you want to become a YouTuber, it is not in your control how many subscribers you will get.

it is not in your control how many likes you receive for your videos, your only control is working hard every day, and we should focus on constantly improving.

And we should be aware of how much we can accomplish and how hard we work each day.

Everyone is capable of working hard, but very few people can work hard continuously.

If you can work hard continuously, you will undoubtedly succeed.

CHAPTER FOUR: The Fear Instinct

The author tells us in this chapter how fear hinders our success.

Fear is a barrier to our success, so we should never be afraid. Instead, we should always think critically and consider how we can improve.

Because whenever we feel fear then we won’t be able to do something, and we never end up being able to do it.

because you are now afraid, and fear prevents success.

Like you have to start a business as an example, but now that everyone is telling you that look, he also started a business, but his business did not run, they will start giving many examples of businesses that have not run.

You will now be terrified and believe that your business will fail.

However, you can see that many people started the business, and those businesses were successful.

However, we do not believe in that case. We believe that we should fail anywhere and that our company will suffer if it does not advance.

However, we don’t believe that there are many people whose business has expanded significantly; instead, we believe that we should learn from those who have suffered losses.

We should never be afraid because if we are, we will never be able to move forward.

Only then can you move forward.

CHAPTER FIVE: The Size Instinct

The author describes in this chapter how much we spoil ourselves when we get excited.

It must have happened to you as well that you would think with great enthusiasm that “today I will do all the work,” “I will finish the entire work in one month,” but you would get excited and “work so much” on one day that for the following month you not feeling like working

We frequently assume that we will accomplish all of this, but it is not true you will start quickly growing bored with your work.

Because of this, we shouldn’t work too hard and quickly.

And in this chapter, the author explains to us that, regardless of how passionate you are about something, you should always start by doing a little work.

Additionally, the author advises taking breaks. For example, if you work for a half-hour, take a 10-minute break.

This will provide you with comfort, peace, and everything, and you won’t get bored working because it’s just as important to work as it is to rest.

We should take breaks between tasks because sometimes we work so hard out of enthusiasm that we forget to take a rest.

CHAPTER SIX: The Generalization Instinct

The author explains in this chapter how unreliable companies can ruin us.

We slowly start to resemble them depending on who we sit, stand, and talk with.

To learn from them, we should try to spend as much time conversing with good people as we can.

The author explains that bad people don’t just commit bad acts; they can also cause you to think negative thoughts.

We should avoid such people because neither they do good themselves nor allow others to do.

We should sit with the kind of people we want to be.

If you don’t know any such people, you should look up their videos online so that you can remain upbeat at all times.

CHAPTER SEVEN: The Destiny Instinct

The author argues in this chapter that we shouldn’t label our luck as bad because it can also go in our favor when we put in hard work.

Because of this, we must always place an emphasis on our efforts rather than our luck.

If we lose, we may begin to blame our bad luck, but at that point, we should place an even greater emphasis on our efforts.

We can continue in the same manner.

And we should always work with a plan in mind; while many people work hard, only those who combine hard work with smart work advance.

CHAPTER EIGHT: The Single Perspective Instinct

The author explains in this chapter that we shouldn’t think of anything in a single way.

We should make an effort to think and comprehend in all ways, such that if you want to do something, you don’t only see one kind of person.

If you want to start a business, look at a variety of people. Don’t focus only on those who have been successful or unsuccessful.

You should observe both types of people, comprehend what those who lost did, and what those who won did.

You should also think about and comprehend everything, and you should see how you can succeed and what you shouldn’t do.

CHAPTER NINE: The Blame Instinct

In this chapter, the author explains to us that we should never blame anyone else

Because whenever something bad happens to us, it is our fault somewhere.

And rather than blaming others, we ought to identify those errors and fix them.

You’ve probably noticed that whenever a student fails an exam, he never claims, “I didn’t study well,” but rather, “The paper was difficult.”

We perpetually point the finger at others while ignoring our own mistakes.

We can advance significantly once we begin to recognize our flaws and take steps to correct them, so we should always take responsibility for ourselves rather than placing blame on others.

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CHAPTER TEN: The Urgency Instinct

In this chapter, the author explains to us that whenever we encounter a challenge or find ourselves in trouble if anyone explains anything to us, then we just start working on it, listening to their words.

But we should not do this, no matter how difficult it is for us, we should take a thoughtful step.

The author explains to us that whenever we are in trouble and someone starts to persuade us that you do this, you have to take that steps so what happens is your own thinking ability ends up.

However, we should not do this, no matter how difficult it is for us.

No matter how much trouble you are in, always take a thoughtful step, gradually calm your mind, and attempt to complete that task.

Otherwise, you just start doing it at other people’s requests.

Thank you for your time.

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