How to start your study? Some easy techniques to start.

Best way to start your study.

Do you really want to know how to study more significantly?

Then go ahead,

If you have come here, you were definitely having difficulty in studying, you will come here to know-how and can be studied well, sure you have got bored to study and now you really wanted to know some easy and new techniques.

Because the most difficult work is to start, you always like to delay your study instead of start your study.

So, you don’t have to be tense, you’ve come to the right place.

Today I will explain to you how effectively you can start your study, without procrastinating.

So, let’s get started,

Prepare Your State (Mental, Emotional, and Physical)

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The most important thing you can do before starting any task or project is to adopt a positive and resourceful state.

“Before anything else, preparation is the key to success.”Alexander Graham Bell 

You have heard many times that if you win the morning, you win the day. Have you ever thought that why morning is important because it’s the starting day phase,

So as same as in study too, you have to prepare your mind with a positive mindset, before start studying, then only you get proper fun.

This is especially true of the learning method.

If you begin a learning project or study session with a negative mental, emotional, or physical state, you are practically setting yourself up for failure.

The first step of accelerated learning is to consciously create a positive, confident, and resourceful state.

Since our mental, emotional, and physical states are all connected, this can be easily accomplished using a few simple techniques designed to change each of our three states.

From experience, most students don’t consider their mental or emotional state before studying.

Which is not good, you have to make priority of these little things,

We just sit down and study, even if we’re worried, anxious, or stressed.

We are not considered these things important,

As all top athletes know, getting into the right state before an athletic event is extremely important.

The same is true for learning. In fact, spending just 5 to 10 minutes preparing your mental, emotional, and physical state before learning is perhaps the single most important thing you can do.

This alone can double your learning, even if you implement none of the other steps of learning. Let me say that again. Spending just 5 to 10 minutes preparing your state can double your learning. Pretty sweet, huh?

So now you are wondering how to start or how to set, Right?

So how do you prepare to learn? It’s actually quite easy.

Outlined below are seven techniques that you can use before you begin studying to make sure that you’re in optimal mental, emotional, and physical states for learning.

Get into Alpha State.

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Because our higher brain functions, such as reasoning and logical thinking, are virtually shut down if we are experiencing stress and physical or emotional danger.

In general, any negative emotions will inhibit our learning.

The ideal mental state for learning is a relaxed, confident, and resourceful state of mind, corresponding to the alpha brain wave state. There are many different techniques you can use to get into a relaxed and resourceful state of mind.

Before every quiz or exam, you can use these 8 processes to get into the alpha process, given below.

But wait do you know what is an alpha process, ok ok, let me explain to you in a very simple way, then we will back to the process, ok?

So, what is the alpha Mind state?

It’s the third high-frequency state and is well known for studying, (first gamma, second beta)

But why this state is important? Even this is not the first high-frequency brain wave, so for these amazing mind waves, you just have to click here, and I am sure you will love it.

So let’s know a little bit about these states because it is very important for study purposes,

Alpha brain waves have a frequency of around 7 – 13 Hz and are associated with being awake and alert but relaxed.

When we are in an alpha state, our brain is functioning most efficiently.

We can harness our brain’s full resources and focus deeply on one thing.

Athletes and performers who are in the “zone” are operating in an alpha state.

As a student, the alpha state is the Holy Grail for learning. If you want to learn most effectively, you want your brain to be in an alpha state. It is the optimal state to be in for learning.

Now at least you know what is alpha waves,

Let’s get back to the process of alpha states,

Alpha State Process:

1) Say “shift into alpha state” – either silently or out loud. (Note: this is a cueing phrase that can be changed. See notes below.)

2) Sit up straight.

3) Allow a deep breath in.

4) Close your eyes as you exhale quietly.

5) Keep your eyes closed as you continue to allow slow, deep breaths.

6) Picture in your mind’s eye a peaceful place, where you feel calm, confident, relaxed, resourceful, and at ease.

7) Allow the image to become brighter and more vibrant. See the scene through your own eyes, and hear the sounds through your own ears.

8) With your eyes still closed, look straight up, and look back down; open your eyes and focus.

This process allows us to quickly shift into the alpha state because our mental, emotional, and physical states are all connected.

Each step in the alpha state process is designed to shift one of the three states, which also affects the other two.

For example, sitting up straight will shift your physical state into a more confident one. This then has a positive effect on both your mental and emotional states.

Here are two quick notes about steps 1 and 6:

  1. The cueing phrase can be anything you want.

It is a phrase that you say to yourself, either out loud or internally, every time you begin the process.

Eventually, your brain will associate the phrase with being in an alpha state, and the two will become anchored together.

Once that happens, simply saying the phrase can cause your brain to shift into a more alpha-like brain wave state.

6) Your peaceful place is somewhere, real or imaginary, where you feel calm, relaxed, peaceful, and safe.

It is someplace where you feel self-assured and confident, where you feel like you are at your best.

It might be your home or bedroom, a church or synagogue, the beach, a favorite vacation spot – anyplace you want.

Once you have the place in mind, really try and imagine yourself there. Visualize what you would see, hear, feel, and smell.

So, practice this method every time before beginning to study, even when you are in exam hall you can use this, before exams, these methods will calm you,

Listen to Classical Music (Baroque)

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As you probably know, music can have a tremendous effect on how we feel and on our energy level.

In fact, music is often used to create the desired mood. It can be used to pump us up while working out, help us relax after a long day, or even bring back pleasant memories.

Music can also be used to help us focus and study.

So, the best music for the study is Baroque music.

Baroque is a specific genre of classical music composed between ~1600 and 1750.

It has about 50 to 80 beats per minute, which matches a normal resting heart rate. Various studies have shown that listening to Baroque music can have a positive impact on your ability to learn and retain information.

It also helps to promote a feeling of calmness and relaxation that is beneficial to learning.

You can search on YouTube for baroque music, then you will get a lot of it. It’s easy to find.

Even right now I am listening to this music and writing too.

My personal favourite song essercizii musici.

Artist: Camerata Koln

Seriously it’s the best music.

And yes, one more thing please When using Baroque music to improve your studying, you should listen to it at low volume.

Ideally, you want the music to be background noise so that it’s barely audible.

You want your brain to be concentrating on your work, not on the music that you’re playing.

Create Specific Goals and Learning Objectives

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This is the thing I really like and enjoying doing because you don’t have to worry about how much to study while you are studying,

So before you sit down to study, it is important to spend a minute or two thinking about exactly what you want to get out of the study session.

You want to start with a clear vision of what you want to accomplish.

If you do not have a clear goal, chances are good that you won’t accomplish what you need to get done. Think about it this way … it is extremely difficult to hit a target that you can’t see.

So this will push you to create an easy and clear goal.

Your learning goal should be a specific and measurable target. A goal such as, “I will study science for a while”, is vague and unclear.

Exactly how long is a while? Ideally, a specific goal includes a number or quantity.

For example, a better math goal would be: “I will read 15 pages in my biology textbook and then finish five homework problems.” The more specific your goal, the more likely you’ll be to accomplish it.

Remember goal is the goal it doesn’t matter how small it is or how big it is.

Like will smith favorite line “dream without a goal is just a dream”.

Click here for simple strategies for setting and achieving SMART goals.

In addition to being specific, your goal should be objective-based, not time-based.

This is the thing which I really want to do like I have seen so many students even including me that I always set a time even without deciding the chapters, so I just read any chapters, and the goal is like I have to study in this time, and it doesn’t matter what I am studying,

So, this thing is really wanted to improve,

If your goal is to study science for 45 minutes, it is easy to sit down and seem busy for 45 minutes, without really accomplishing anything.

It is much better to specify an objective such as “read Chapter 6 of the textbook, take notes on the reading, and then finish the first 4 homework problems”.

But again, don’t just read a chapter in a whole day, what I am trying to explain is, first decide what you have to study, then make a plan of timing.

Because without a time plan you are just going to waste your whole day, so priority is like first deciding what have to study, then making a time plan.

Once you have accomplished your learning goal, take a few moments to celebrate your success. Choose a specific reward for completing your goal.

The reward can be as simple as calling a friend, (I prefer calling a friend or doing a chat) and watching a favorite TV show, personally, I don’t like to watch tv shows as a reward, I love watching but not as a reward.

The reason is that for me if I watched any kind of show I keep thinking about stories so it doesn’t work for me well, maybe for you its works, so try what’s best for you,

 And having a tasty dessert, or even going for a walk.

Whatever it is, get into the habit of noticing and celebrating your successes – especially those around learning.

This will anchor positive emotions to setting and achieving your learning goals.

WII-FM – What’s In It For Me?

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Believe it or not, I know what your favorite radio station is.

How can I possibly know that? Because everyone loves the same station: WII-FM. OK, this isn’t an actual radio station. It is an acronym that stands for the following question: What’s In It For Me?

The answer to this simple question will have a profound impact on your motivation to learn, which, in turn, will greatly impact your actual learning.

People are rarely motivated to do something that they don’t see as relevant to their own lives. This is also true of studying and learning a new subject.

If you can’t see the personal relevance of a class, you will not be motivated to study or put in the effort necessary to succeed.

On the other hand, when you can see the personal benefits, your motivation and desire to succeed will be greatly enhanced.

Many of the most successful people on the planet who are extraordinarily motivated are just ordinary people. Why are they so motivated? Because they have figured out what’s in it for them.

In other words, they know their WHY! Do you want to be more motivated toward your classes and enjoy them more?

If so, then you must figure out your WHY.

The more compelling the reason why you want something, the easier it will be to figure out how to get it.

Or said another way, the bigger your WHY, the easier your HOW.

You can train yourself to be motivated and see the WHY behind every class by focusing on the positive impact of your learning. You can ask yourself questions such as (questioning is the most powerful tool, you can use in broad areas)

“Why is this subject important?” for example (its scoring subject)

“Why do I need to learn this?” (without this maybe I fail)

“How can I use this information in my everyday life?” (by explaining to others)

“How will learning this improve my life?” (little work daily will make you shine)

“What are some of the advantages of learning this?” (I will get an expert in this subject which is very important for my professional)

Now, I understand that staying motivated for certain classes can sometimes be challenging. Seeing the personal benefits is often easier said than done.

You may have to take required classes that you really don’t want to take. If and when that happens, my best advice is to try and see the big picture.

Each class is a stepping stone to your future. To graduate and get one step closer to your dream job, you need to pass your classes – all of them.

Do whatever you can to see the WHY behind each of your classes. Three of the most important ingredients for success as a student are motivation, motivation, and motivation. (it will push you to work or study)

Believe You Can Do It

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“It is our attitude at the beginning of a difficult task which, more than anything else, will affect its successful outcome.” –William James

Do you want to know one of the keys to dramatically increasing your chances of achieving any goal or quickly learning any new skill? Of course, you do! Who wouldn’t?

Well, here it is. One of the keys to succeeding in anything is simply the belief that you can and will succeed.

To paraphrase a famous quote by Henry Ford: “Whether you think you can, or whether you think you can’t, either way, you are usually right.” Your chances for success are dramatically increased if you simply believe that you will succeed. This is especially true of learning.

One of the best things you can do as a student is to substitute a strong belief in yourself and your ability to learn.

Regardless of how well you may have done in the past, every single person reading this can achieve more in less time. (happy)

We are all born with the same number of neurons; it is what you do with your neurons that counts.

Several studies have shown that the majority of a student’s success depends not on their IQ or technical ability, but on effective learning techniques.

One way that you can develop your belief in yourself is through the use of positive affirmations. Some examples of positive affirmations include:

“I learn anything easily and effortlessly.”

“I always get better with practice.”

“I love to learn.”

“My brain is powerful and capable of learning anything.”

You can say positive affirmations out loud or silently to yourself.

When using affirmations, be present with what you are saying, and try to embody the statement.

The goal is to feel what you are saying and not just repeat the words mindlessly.

I also recommend placing positive affirmations around your work area or study space.

I sometimes put affirmations or quotes on post-it notes and hang them on my computer monitor as reminders.

I believe that daily exposure to positive messages has a beneficial effect on my attitude toward learning and life.

Other ways that you can develop your belief in yourself and your ability to learn include:

Visualize your success.

Keep a success journal.

Read something inspiring every day. (like inspirational stories)

Eat healthily and exercise regularly.

Get a good night’s sleep.

Replace self-limiting thoughts with positive ones.

Reduce your exposure to television and other sources of negative media. (please stop using social media, until is so important because nowadays social media become a barrier to happiness)

Associate with positive people.

“Believe in yourself, and the rest will fall into place. Have faith in your own abilities, work hard, and there is nothing you cannot accomplish.” – Brad Henry

Take action now, without wasting any time on the internet just go to study.

And after studying continuously for 7 days, then come back again and comment to me, about your progress.

For now, be thankful, be positive

Reference source: “Accelerated learning techniques for students”. book

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