Which kind of brain waves are best for studying.

There are five kinds of brain waves.

And why this is important for you because for studying everybody needs 100% focus without any distraction, so for this, you also need to know brain waves, and why this is important, go ahead you will know at the end of this page.

So, let’s get started,

The nerve cells in the brain that are responsible for thinking, and that are allowing you to read this fascinating article, are called neurons.

Each of us has about the same number of neurons – around 100 billion (recent studies suggest about 86 billion).

The neurons in our brain connect to other neurons in vast, complex networks.

Each neuron can connect with up to 20,000 other neurons. With almost 100 billion neurons, each connecting with up to 20,000 other neurons, the number of possible connections is staggering.

According to Robert Ornstein and Richard Thompson in The Amazing Brain, “the number of possible interconnections between these cells is greater than the number of atoms in the universe”.

These billions of neurons form huge networks of neural connections and communicate with each other through electrical signals.

In essence, very tiny currents of electricity are sent between neurons. These electric currents are sometimes called brain waves because of their cyclic wave-like nature.

Brain waves can be measured using an electroencephalograph (EEG), which uses hundreds of electrodes to measure the frequency of brain waves in cycles per second, or Hertz (Hz).

Read a more Detailed Book summary of THE MAGIC OF THINKING BIG by David J Schwartz

The results of EEG studies show that there are four main kinds of brain waves: delta, theta, alpha, and beta, and these brain waves are strongly correlated with our state of mind.


Delta waves (~0.1 – 4 Hz) are the slowest of the four brain waves and are associated with deep, dreamless sleep. It is when the brain is in a delta state that the body repairs itself.


Theta brain waves are faster than delta and have a frequency of about 4 – 7 Hz. Theta state is associated with the early stages of sleep and deep meditation.

Memories are processed and stored when our brains are in the theta state. This is why a good night’s sleep is so important. Memory formation and learning depend upon it.


Beta brain waves (~13-30 Hz) are the fastest and are associated with normal alert consciousness. This is the state in which we spend most of our lives.

When we are in a beta state, our brain is constantly changing focus from one thing to another.

This is great for things like driving or parenting, where you have many different things to focus on. However, the beta state is not the best state to be in for learning. That state is the alpha state. Know why?


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Alpha brain waves have a frequency of around 7 – 13 Hz and are associated with being awake and alert but relaxed.

When we are in an alpha state, our brain is functioning most efficiently. We can harness our brain’s full resources and focus deeply on one thing.

Athletes and performers who are in the “zone” are operating in an alpha state.

As a student, the alpha state is the Holy Grail for learning. If you want to learn most effectively, you want your brain to be in an alpha state. It is the optimal state to be in for learning.

Some studies show that the best way to increase alpha waves is by doing meditation.

And you know that you can create alpha waves by using this technique. Click here.


Your brain produces the speediest of brain waves, the gamma waves when you’re actively involved in processing information and learning. You’re concentrating and solving problems, and these brainwaves, which tend to measure upward of 35 Hz, are the proof.

Hope you understand, be positive, and be happy.

Source: book “Accelerated learning techniques for students”.

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