Attitude is everything: Book Summary.

What do you get in this post: in this post, I have covered all chapter’s lessons

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Why do you have to read Attitude is everything book summary?


Regardless of how you are feeling right now—positive or negative—this book can help.


You shouldn’t give up if you’re negative. These ideas can help you cultivate and maintain a positive outlook… and make amazing life advancements.

If you’re already optimistic, you can use these guidelines to reach even greater levels of fulfillment and success.

Want to know how?

Favorite quote:

“A happy person is not a person in a certain set of circumstances, but rather a person with a certain set of attitudes.”

Let’s get started.

Chapter 1: Your Attitude Is Your Window to the World.

Better keep yourself clean and bright;
you are
the window through which you must see
the world.

— George Bernard Shaw

This chapter explains how your attitude affects your mood using the examples of two different people.

Two people, one named Sam and the other Mark, walk into a restaurant.

Sam has a completely different attitude than Mark, who enters with a smile on his face.

And he is furious when Sam enters.

Because of this, he even speaks poorly to the waiter and becomes irate with him when the food arrives late.

And Mark doesn’t experience anything similar.

Your optimistic outlook only indicates how you will live in the future and how content you will be.

Your window displays your mentality.

It’s obvious that when you’re young, you always feel happy and try to do whatever you want.

However, as you get older, you start to behave badly and start to imitate other people, which makes it impossible for you to pursue your interests.

As a result, you start to think negatively and your attitude starts to flare up.

Your window becomes dirty as a result.

But if you alter your mindset, think clearly, and remain optimistic at all times, you can overcome it.

Try to maintain consistent window cleanliness.

Chapter 2: You’re a Human Magnet

Whether you think you can — or think you can’t — you’re right!

— Henry Ford

What you think about happens to you, according to the author.

You’ll experience good things if you think positively, and the opposite is true if you think negatively.

That’s why always think well.

Like a boy named Sam, who constantly believes that if he makes a million rupees in a year, he will undoubtedly succeed and discover the means by which he makes so much money.

However, if he believes that he is unable to earn, he will never advance and there will be no way for him.

You can only find the solution by thinking.

That is how it affects what you believe.

Try your best to think positively at all times.

Chapter 3: Picture Your Way to Success!

You must first clearly see a thing in your mind before you can do it.

— Alex Morrison

Celine Dion, a singer, was questioned about whether she ever imagined at the beginning of her career that she would one day sell millions of records and go on tour, performing in front of tens of thousands of people every week.

The singer replied that none of this surprised her, as she had pictured the whole thing since she was five years old!

She wasn’t boasting and earned every bit of her success through incredibly hard work.

She mastered the power of holding a vivid, compelling image from an early age, using it to visualize the star she wanted to become.

Whatever you want to accomplish, think about it every day as though you have already accomplished it. This will help you visualize your way closer to realizing your goal.

Learn to visualize all of your goals because they will undoubtedly come true in reality one day.

This will allow you to advance.

Chapter 4: Make a Commitment… and You’ll Move Mountains!

What this power is I cannot say; all I know is that it exists and it becomes available only when a man is in that state of mind in which he knows exactly what he wants and is fully determined not to quit until he finds it.

— Alexander Graham Bell

Commitment is the most important step we must take in order to succeed. Without commitment, you will find your goal incomplete.

Commitments like I have to walk 5 steps to get to this goal.

I can even walk 50 steps to get to this goal.

I can walk a hundred steps to get to this goal.

To be committed, you must work hard towards a goal.

And you assume that I will do whatever it takes to accomplish this—with the exception, of course, of engaging in illegal activity.

You don’t have to think that if it fails in 1 year then you will give it up it will never take you towards success.

But always keep in mind that you can achieve your goals no matter what happens; only then can you move forward.

Chapter 5: Turn Your Problems into Opportunities

Every adversity carries with it the seed of an equivalent or greater benefit.

— Napoleon Hill

Every time a problem arises in your life, you begin to question why it occurred to me only in the first place, how you can solve it now, and why it continues to occur to me.

If you adopt this mindset, you will never advance and will always be stuck in the same issue.

You, therefore, have two options at this time: either you simply think about your problems and let them consume you, or you consider what the current solution might be.

According to the author, there is good in every problem, and all problems come to change you and make you realize that you need to take action and move forward.

The problem teaches you how to deal with it.

And to be strong, always consider the problem’s solution whenever it arises rather than getting bogged down in the same issues.

Chapter 6: Your Words Blaze a Trail

The words you consistently select will shape your destiny.

— Anthony Robbins

What you imagine occurs to you.

The way you talk, the words you use, those words make you later.

And it’s not just words you use to talk to others.

Rather it is also used in talking to yourself, whatever you keep thinking in your mind, it becomes your words.

Then your belief system is formed by that.

For instance, if you believe that I will never be a good writer, then you can never be.

Because if you consistently believe that you will never be a good writer, this will come to be your core belief.

And you won’t even be aware of how it was used against you.

That’s why always think good speak good and do good things.

Your belief system shapes the way you think, whether the thought is about you or others.

Chapter 7: How Are You?

Your day goes the way the corners of your mouth turn.

— Unknown

If someone asks you how you are there can be two answers one you are good and one you are not good.

However, the author advises us to always respond with “very good” when someone asks how are you? regardless of how bad your day has been or how miserable you are feeling.

When someone asks you how are you, always respond confidently with “good.”

You may initially feel as though you are lying and dislike it, but over time you will realize that it is actually giving you more confidence.

Chapter 8: Stop Complaining!

Troubles, like babies, grow larger by nursing.

— Lady Holland

Never discuss your issues with others because nobody enjoys negativity or hearing bad news.

According to the author, talking about your problems with others has a negative impact on both the people you are talking to and yourself because you are only speaking negatively.

Therefore, instead of complaining, we should work to make things better.

Chapter 9: Associate with Positive People

A mirror reflects a man’s face, but what he is really like is shown by the kind of friends he chooses.

—The Living Bible, Proverbs 27

Just having good thoughts and clear speaking will not make you successful.

You should also check out your friends.

Which friends do you spend time with?

Because the author advises that you cannot advance if your friends have no clear goals.

so pick your friends carefully.

Chapter 10: Confront Your Fears and Grow

Do the thing you fear and the death of fear is certain.

—Ralph Waldo Emerson

You must do the work that you are most afraid to do because these things will make you successful.

You frequently advance in the work where there is a lot of risk by continuing to do that work.

Now it doesn’t mean that you should drive fast

The author discusses the risk that keeps you from moving forward, the internal voice that constantly advises you not to do this work because you will fail.

So you should let go of this fear and move on.

Chapter 11: Get Out There and Fail

Failure is only the opportunity to more intelligently begin again.

— Henry Ford

The author advises: You should keep doing what you want to do.

No matter how many times you fail, nobody has ever advanced without making mistakes.

The author says that no matter how many times you fail, you should never give up.

Chapter 12: Networking That Gets Results

You can get everything in life you want if you’ll just help enough other people get what they want.

—Zig Ziglar

According to the author, you can never succeed by yourself.

You need others to assist you in this, which can only happen if you help others.

As a result, you should always continue helping others and keep their interests in mind as well as your own.

Thank you for your time.

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