Give and take: key takeaways

Favorite quote: “You can’t just ignore someone because you don’t think they’re important enough.”

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GIVE AND TAKE the Book summary in 3 sentences.

If we want to succeed, we need a combination of hard work, talent, and luck.”

Many people are prevented from acting as givers at work because they are afraid of being perceived as weak or naive.

Many people with giver values opt for matching as their primary reciprocity style at work in order to strike a balance between giving and receiving.

The five key takeaways from GIVE AND TAKE.

Giving organizations wind up spending a significant amount of time helping others realize their full potential. These expenditures don’t always yield a profit.

Focus your attention and efforts on improving the lives of others, and success may come as a byproduct.

“If we create networks with the sole intention of getting something, we won’t succeed. We can’t pursue the benefits of networks; the benefits ensue from investments in meaningful activities and relationships.”

“The more we try to control skeptical audiences, the more they fight back,”

“Givers consistently rank highly for other interests, but their self-interest varies.

Top 10 lessons from GIVE AND TAKE book.

“Effort measures a human being, not success.”

“You can never predict where someone will end up. It really is about being there for other people; it’s not just about improving your reputation.

“Being a giver is beneficial in a marathon but not for a 100-yard dash.

“Highly successful people share three characteristics: opportunity, ability, and motivation.”

“People enjoy having their advice sought, regardless of their preferred methods of reciprocity.

“Talented people are attracted to those who care about them.”

“Psychological safety is the conviction that taking risks won’t result in negative consequences.

“a perspective gap: we dramatically underestimate how much it will affect us when we’re not experiencing a psychologically or physically intense state.”

“Audiences disliked the average candidate, even more, when he was awkward. But audiences liked the expert, even more, when he made a mistake.

“What a player can become, not what he is, is what will enable him to grow,” the coach said.

Action steps from GIVE AND TAKE.

Help others create their jobs—or create your own with more giving—by assisting others. People frequently find themselves working on projects that aren’t exactly suited to their interests and abilities.

Helping others complete tasks that are more engaging, significant, or developmentally beneficial is a potent way to give.

Learn ineffective communication, but develop advocacy skills. It takes a shift in habits—from talking to listening, self-promotion to advice-seeking, and advocating inquiring—to become more at ease and skilled with powerless communication.

Join a Giving Community.

Frequently seek assistance. Asking is one of the simplest ways to get other people to give. Not always is it a burden to ask for assistance.

By requesting assistance, you give those who are naturally generous the chance to demonstrate their values and feel appreciated.

Give freely and selflessly, but also frequently ask for what you need.

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