Why men love bitches: Book Summary

Why do you have to read Why men love bitches book summary?


“Her sassy book is filled with scenarios and advice aimed at making women subtly stronger and self-empowered. The book, which has already been featured on The View and The O’Reilly Factor, should make waves with its controversial view of relationships.” —Publishers Weekly

The book Why Men Love Bitches serves as a relationship manual for “too nice” women. The author uses the term “bitch” in the title in a tongue-in-cheek manner that is indicative of the lighthearted tone of the book and does not take itself too seriously.


All women have experienced embarrassment when they seem overly dependent on a man.

Every woman has experienced a man pursuing her, but the moment she gave in, he lost interest. Every woman has experienced being ignored or undervalued.

The majority of women, married or not, deal with these issues.

After reading the entire post, you will understand how to be both strong and kind. You possess an incredibly delicate strength. You refuse to give up on you and you’re not going to pursue a man. You won’t give in to the idea that a man has complete “hold” over you. And you’ll defend yourself if he crosses the boundary.

Want to know how?

Let’s get started.

I have thoughtfully covered every chapter’s lesson.

Are you excited like me?

So, stay tuned till the end.

Want to know how?

Favorite quote:

“Truly powerful people don’t explain why they want respect. They simply don’t engage someone who doesn’t give it to them.”

Let’s get started.

Chapter 1: FROM DOORMAT TO Dreamgirl Act Like a Prize and You’ll Turn Him into a Believer

Meet the nice girl.

She’s the kind of lady who gives without thinking because she so desperately wants her attention to be returned.

The woman’s actions don’t seem to indicate that she values herself highly, therefore he flees.

He’ll either think she’s desperate or that she’s ready to have sex with any man right immediately.

A man will no longer want to be closer to a woman if he starts to lose respect for her due to her willingness to gently diminish herself. Be it a nightie or not.

Conversely, a dreamgirl will not sacrifice her life to win over someone’s approval.


Meet the “New and Improved” Bitch

She continues to be independent.

She makes a respectable living. She isn’t just standing there holding her hand out; she is acting with honor.

She doesn’t follow him around or pursue him. The world does not revolve around him.

 She is truthful, although she withholds some information.

She avoids talking when she’s angry and keeps conversations orderly. She doesn’t compete with other ladies and doesn’t inquire about the appearance of the ex.

She has a strong interest in something besides him.

She handles her body as though it’s a well-tuned machine.

She keeps herself looking and feeling well.

Chapter 2: WHY MEN Prefer BITCHES Cracking the Code: What Every Nice Girl Needs to Know

A man does not choose to be in love. It comes about by mistake.


He always presents the impression of having a lot of room.

He lets down his guard as a result.

He’ll be less guarded the more at ease he is, and it won’t take long for him to pass the point of no return. You won’t need to ask questions like “Where are you going?” or “What are you doing?” when he’s deeply in love.

The Power of Choice

A self-reliant lady is what a man desires. a viewpoint.

When a man thinks he has “met his match,” he falls in love.

Give your dating relationship a voice at the outset. Avoid coming across as weak-willed.

Let’s say a man aspires to be a gentleman. He wants to satisfy you if he wants to be a gentleman. The bitch won’t interact with the guy if he insisted on choosing the movie or restaurant every time without considering her preferences.


He needs to sense that you are with him because you want to be, not because you have to. He won’t view you as an equal partner till then.

Chapter 3: THE Candy STORE: How to Make the Most of Your Feminine and Sexual Powers

According to research, males are drawn to a woman’s looks, chemistry, and overall demeanor.

Ever wonder why you see a gorgeous guy marry the girl next door? While she appears plain to you, she is a “natural beauty” in his eyes.

If a woman engages in sexual activity with a guy because she believes it is necessary to do so to win him, he will notice and start to lose his trust in her.

The one with the clear intention of being seductive. There’s also the woman who just happens to be attractive without trying.

When is the right time to have sex? For as long as you are able. For the first month, at minimum, maintain a platonic relationship.

It guarantees that the man makes it a habit to work hard to treat you the way you desire to be treated.

Nathan is the ideal illustration. He recently turned 25 years old, and he gets along well with women. He said exactly this, word for word:

We stop working on it and end the romance if she gives it up too soon. Honestly, we would much rather be exerting ourselves in it. We get upset if the game finishes too fast because we enjoy playing it.

Even still, we battle unconsciously inside. We want the girl to make us wait, even if we know we want to receive it.

If he’s falling in love with you, he won’t tell you he wants to be with you exclusively— you’ll automatically know.

Chapter 4: Dumb LIKE A FOX How to Convince Him He’s in Control While You Run the Show

The Dumb Fox Handles His Ego with Kid Gloves

A man has to feel good about giving in order to be motivated to give.

Learning your A, B, and Cs will make it easy to handle his ego like a youngster.

 A mother doesn’t criticize her child’s crayon artwork from kindergarten when she brings it home, regardless of how bad it is. Rather, she exclaims, “This is a masterpiece!” to him. The young artist then creates 10 more drawings because he believes he is the next Picasso.

Praise is important.

The following explanation of the Dumb Fox Credo ensures smooth sailing and eliminates conflict:

  • Accept everything. 
  • Give no explanation. 
  • Then, act in your own best interests. It will greatly simplify life.

Talk about it in private rather than in public. If it’s all meaningless rubbish, give him all the praise.

Who gives a damn? The foolish fox is more aware. She never initiates a battle over petty issues, especially if she is aware that winning will not benefit her at all.

The Dumb Fox Is More Mysterious

Don’t overcompensate by talking a lot when you first meet a man. Avoid talking all the time because you’re anxious.

Whether you have him or not, you feel safe, content, and at ease.

The Dumb Fox Is True to Herself

The fox is aware that a man may initially “flower up” with his intentions, so she needs to remain cautious.

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The dumb fox doesn’t tell her what she sees since, when he doesn’t realize he’s being watched, he’ll disclose his true colors much faster.

Chapter 5: JUMPING THROUGH Hoops LIKE A CIRCUS POODLE When Women Give Themselves Away and Become Needy


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From Sappy to Sassy

“A man doesn’t require constant affirmation of his love from women every thirty seconds.

You won’t knock yourself out if you’re sassy. The challenge ends the moment a man thinks you’re trying too hard. You have to convince him that you won’t wait once you unintentionally enter that arena. It’s your life. You have other things that need to come before him.

Basic Bitch 101

From the moment he leaves his first message on a woman’s answering machine, a man discerns whether or not she is making an excessive effort.

She may be making an excessive effort to seek his approval, wow him, or just be seductive. It makes no difference if she tries too hard or is overly needy. The bitch never really tries to leave a lasting impression.

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Chapter 6: NAGGING No MORE What to Do When He Takes You for Granted and Nagging Doesn’t Work

A Lover or a Mother?

He tunes you out when you bug him. However, he listens when you communicate through your behavior.

You cannot get through to him. For this reason, it’s better to express yourself via your deeds than through words. Beyond the second repeat, a male won’t talk about feelings the way a woman will. This makes it look like nagging.

Asking a man to do anything more than twice will make him feel like his mother is reprimanding him. And if you bug him, he’ll act like a rebellious, obstinate teenager.

You’ve ignited the same kind of love for him that he once felt for his mother, grandmother, or another woman who reared him when he took you for granted.

You’ve evolved into “old faithful” now. He is aware that you are not going anywhere, no matter how loudly you yell at him. “She may kick me in the ass, but she still loves me, and I’m free to do as I please.” It’s precisely this security blanket that you wish to deny him.

Treat Him Like a Friend

Recall the time when you first met your partner and the start of your relationship. He wasn’t bothered by you. You probably behaved towards him like you would as a buddy. You laughed more and had more fun since you were at ease.

You were at ease expressing your opinions. He wasn’t your life’s “be-all and end-all.”

Your actions started to tell a different story when you started bugging people. “Every action you take has an impact on me.” Nagging benefits him for this reason and this reason only.

It reassures him that you care, not because he appreciates it.

Chapter 7: THE OTHER TEAM’S Secret “PLAYBOOK” Things You Suspected but Never Heard Him Say

“Guys have emotions just as women do. Simply put, they choose not to display it because society dictates that you shouldn’t. You have to project control over yourself as a guy.

Should a woman walk away after placing her foot down? It can break a man.

Guys treat women in the same manner that they do other guys.

They choose to “play it cool” to avoid coming out as helpless or desperate.

The Top Seven Things That Turn Men Off

Men just made a few random remarks about other things that turned them off. Some people might find this part self-explanatory, while others might find some of the points to be less clear. In any case, you might wish to mentally record the following since your boyfriend is unlikely to express these things to you directly:

“When a woman is jealous, it can be a turnoff.

The mystery is important.

I dislike women who lack a career or a life of their own. or incorrect credit. Or an insane former boyfriend. Responsible women are appealing to me.”

A woman shouldn’t reveal to a man that she revolves her entire existence around him.

Never tell a guy that he’s your entire existence or that you’re waiting for his call while you’re at home. As long as you aren’t sleeping with any of the men, he also enjoys knowing that other men are interested in you.

When a woman chases you, it will turn you off.

A lady should never unexpectedly drop by a man’s house or place of employment. She will immediately come to mind for him as a “fatal attraction” kind.

The Top Reasons Men Prefer a Feisty Woman

Men just made a few random remarks about other things that turned them on.

“I enjoy women who aren’t game players. Her assurance suggests that she must be aware of something I’m not. I think to myself, “Hey, she must be worth keeping,” at that point.

“A lady saying, ‘I don’t have time for that,’ when you try to get away with doing something you know is wrong, can be a turn-on. I like a lady who has the moral integrity to stick to her convictions, but it depends on the circumstances.

“I enjoy women who aren’t game players. Her assurance suggests that she must be aware of something I’m not. I think to myself, “Hey, she must be worth keeping,” at that point.

“A lady saying, ‘I don’t have time for that,’ when you try to get away with doing something you know is wrong, can be a turn-on. I like a lady who has the moral integrity to stick to her convictions, but it depends on the circumstances.

Chapter 8: KEEPING YOUR Pink SLIP The Reasons That Holding Your Own Financially Gives You Power

A woman will have many fewer options in life if she gives up her independence and depends on a man for financial support.

Work = Money = Keeping your pink slip = The ability to choose the way you want to be treated = Dignity

You keep your power and your pink slip as long as you have the means to choose your own conditions. You can always pack a suitcase and head out if that’s how you want to go. The very thing that makes him want you to stay is his freedom.

He needs to sense that if he treats you badly, you will immediately pack up and move out of his mansion into a one-bedroom flat.

A guy is too busy attempting to maintain his “welcome” with an independent lady to become bored. However, he believes he can be careless with a lady who depends on him for money and she will accept it. If he feels that a woman will accept everything he throws at her, he will become bored even if he isn’t the kind to abuse women.

All that is required is that you continue to be able to care for yourself; wealth is not necessary.

Dollars and No Sense

A man will feel undervalued if you behave as though you expect anything from him. It’s always preferable to let him know that you appreciate that he went above and beyond and that you took the time to notice, even if he pays.

As long as they feel valued for their contributions, many men take pleasure in being the ones who provide.

Tell him you appreciate him if he opens doors for you.

He feels rewarded anytime he senses that you respect his strength and manhood. This is how you can strengthen him.

Chapter 9: HOW TO Renew THE MENTAL CHALLENGE How to Regain That “Spark”

“One of the things about equality is not that you be treated equally to a man, but that you treat yourself equally to the way you treat a man.” —MARLO THOMAS

Step 1: Instead of asking him to focus on you, focus on yourself

The author claims that for a woman to rediscover that alluring “spark,” she must first focus her attention and energy on herself.

Take part in interesting pursuits, keep up your interests, and don’t let him derail your strategy.

Like you did before him, live life to the fullest.

Whatever you choose, if you are passionate about something else than him, it will draw him back in. guaranteed.

Step 2: Alter the Routine

The first symptom will almost always be that you feel like you are being put “on hold.”

If a woman ends up on hold for the simple reason that she is willing to wait, he will make you wait forever. If you are calling him twice a day, start calling once, or when you are free.

By completely changing the pattern. Give no attitude and no complaints. Make the schedule random.

If you need to renew the mental challenge. Alter the pattern. The mere fact that you are content with your life keeps you interested.

Don’t try to be the “happy helper.” He won’t value your efforts when you automatically assume the role of a servant.

Step 3: Regain your sense of humor

Being calm is more important to have a sense of humor than simply knowing what to say that makes you laugh.

It communicates to others that you feel confident in your skin.

Laughter not only diffuses tense situations but also leaves you feeling rejuvenated.

The man you are with keeps an eye on you. He observes to see how you maintain your position.

He observes how you react to his jokes and criticism, whether it comes from him or another person.

He will give it a try to observe how you respond. He’s trying to test your ability to hold your own.

Chapter 10: THE New AND Improved BITCH The Survival Guide for Women Who Are Too Nice

The Bitch Stands Her Ground

There is nothing wrong with the “new and improved” bitch. She is the sophisticated equivalent of the “old” bitch. She doesn’t nag others to obtain what she wants, nor is she harsh or cruel. She only acts like a bitch when necessary, and she communicates through her actions.

A woman who is not preoccupied with pleasing a man or anybody else except herself is one of the most striking indicators that she “has arrived.”

Who is bitch?

A woman who refuses to beat her head against the wall over an obsession with the opinions of others, whether they be men or other people in her life. She is aware that if someone disapproves of her, it’s only one person’s view and doesn’t really matter.

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When you say the word B-I-T-C-H out loud, don’t say it like it’s a bad thing. According to some, the word derives from the first letters in the following phrase:

Babe In Total Control of Herself.

The Bitch Is Never Fully Conquered

Why, then, do guys adore bitches? They keep trying because, with a bitch, they never feel like they’ve quite got her. Some men make lifetime attempts.

The kind girl commits the error of overly protecting and “safetizing” a man. Because men grow bored fast, they find relationships that are overly predictable and safe to be boring. Not with the bitch, that’s for sure.

Thank you for your time.

Remember to recommend the books you want me to summarize.

(Note: all images are directly from the book: Why men love bitches)

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